The easiest way to find the closest & cheapest parking spot.

Available on iPhone and Android

Find Parking Fast

See the nearest and cheapest garage with just one click

Real-Time GPS Search

Search for parking at your destination with just one click and find the best spot nearby

Simple Map View

See only the 3 best parking options around you and compare them easily with a single swipe

Garage Details

Swipe up on the garage summary to view helpful details about the location in one glance

Direct Navigation

Get immediate turn-by-turn directions that take you to the selected parking garage or lot

Saved Car Location

Your parking location is automatically saved alongside optional notes and a picture

Running Rate & Time

Track the time you've been parked and your current rate on a real-time digital meter

Park Right

Enter the modern age of parking


Our Veer user community of drivers plays a central role in the accuracy and range of parking options we feature. Our devoted parkers keep each other updated about garage & lot closings, rate & price changes, and status on locations that have reached full capacity. We're in this together.


Share your parking location with friends who are meeting you at your destination or simply broadcast a parking deal you've just discovered. See how many other drivers are looking for parking nearby and who recently selected the same parking garage as you. Secrets are no fun.


Get recognized for your loyalty and become a VIP at garages & lots you park in frequently. Our rewards platform lets garages shower you with special offers and lets businesses nearby welcome you to the neighborhood with discounts & treats. Just because they like you.


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